
Wedding by the sea – a guide

A wedding by the sea is the dream of many a couple. And although Polish weather can be capricious and we are far from Italian climates, organizing a wedding by the sea has been a popular option for several years. Wondering how to plan a wedding by the sea? Read the guide and act! Take advantage of my 15 years of knowledge and experience!
Ślub nad morzem - para młoda na plaży, organizacja ślubu nad morzem | Bogna Bojanowska wedding planner

A wedding by the sea is not just the idea itself, but the whole concept. It’s a desire to add carefree and casual to this inherently serious day. It all starts with an idea, and that idea is only one step away from realizing a dream.

Several times a week I get an email from couples who would like to organize a wedding by the sea. They have a vision and are looking for opportunities to realize it. So how do you plan a wedding by the sea?

Wedding by the sea step by step

  • Nuptial Ceremony

You have two options: a civil ceremony or a symbolic ceremony (known as a humanist wedding).

The latter is a much simpler option, as you will find more and more professionals on the wedding market who will conjure up a beautiful symbolic ceremony for you. They too are open to weddings on any day of the week. Nor are they difficult when it comes to the ceremony site itself or the day’s schedule.

Civil Registry Offices in Poland, on the other hand, are not so open anymore. They are most likely to marry only on weekends, and also the beach is not a worthy place for everyone to get married.

Choose what kind of wedding suits you and only when you are sure that a wedding by the sea will be possible, act!

  • Location

You already know what ceremony will take place, it’s time to choose a wedding venue by the sea.

First of all, check if the place you choose is convenient for the Clerk or Master of Ceremonies. In further considerations, check whether there is parking next door, how long you have to walk to get to the beach, and whether the beach is the right width.

  • Deadline

There is no denying that Poland is far from hot Spain or climatic Tuscany. Nor are we the Côte d’Azur, and certainly not the Maldives. Polish weather can be capricious and totally unpredictable, and on top of that the weather at the seaside is governed by its own rules.

So when planning a wedding by the sea, choose the optimal date, but don’t set yourself up to be perfect. I can put the finishing touches on everything, but no one has control over the weather.

  • The nature of the ceremony

Consider what you want your wedding day to look like.

Is a beach wedding all that or do you want to go to a formal dinner afterwards. Also, think through who should be with you on that day? Will it be a large ceremony or more of an intimate ceremony?

    • Subcontractors

    How many subcontractors do you want to engage – do you need a photographer? video operator? Or maybe you dream of a grand floral decoration, you can’t do without a makeup artist and hairdresser. Or, however, it will be modest, intimate and different.

    Allow yourself to think about this aspect of the wedding by the sea as well

    • Action

    Once you have a vision of the whole and the components, proceed! This is your day, may your wedding by the sea come true for you

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    What to consider when planning a wedding by the sea? – from a wedding planner’s experience

    Weather variability

    I never plan a wedding by the sea without a Plan B, which I launch when the weather is not in our favor. Plan B is a registry office, a restaurant, a local hall that can fulfill as a ceremony venue. This is always an additional cost, but it will save stress. On your wedding day, you are supposed to feel excited out of happiness, not nervous.


    You need to be aware that a beach wedding involves beachgoers if you choose the most touristy place and date. Strolling men with tummies, alcohol in hand, are a common sight on Polish beaches. There is also no avoiding screaming children and general beach uproar. Yes, this is what a wedding by the Polish sea looks like. It is therefore worth choosing a more desolate location and less popular summer months. I know a few such gems that I keep especially for my bride and groom in stock.

    The hour of the ceremony

    When planning the time of the ceremony, take into account the tide. This is because it happens that until 12 it is quiet and calm, and then the wind breaks, the tide comes in and nothing can be heard anymore except the sound of the waves. A wedding by the sea can be spoiled not only by rain, but also by wind too

    Good place

    A beach wedding is special, but choose well the location of the ceremony itself, check how the sun will behave at this time. Position yourself so that you can see maybe, but not necessarily have the sun blind you. What to do on an unusually hot day? Take shelter in the shade of the trees by the dune, there you will be cooled by the shade.


    If you are planning a civil wedding, know that you can arrange all the formalities remotely, through any USC in Poland. What if you live abroad? The consultant or Embassy is also available to help. Not all offices take advantage of this opportunity, but many are open to it and give their permission.

    Wedding by the sea - bride and groom on the beach, organizing a wedding by the sea

    Are you organizing a wedding by the sea? This is something you can’t forget!


    It would seem that a wedding by the sea does not require much preparation, but in my experience, it is better to think about sound system, music and even small decorations. The beach itself is perfect for a post-wedding photo shoot, but the solemn moment begs for something more. I can also add from myself that the sound system may seem unnecessary, but after all, you’ve been to the sea before, right? There are days when it’s hard to hear your thoughts, all because of the wind and the sound of the waves


    A wedding by the sea requires proper styling of the bride and groom, of course, you will do as you wish, but the beach is asking for a more casual style for you and your guests too


    Many couples dreaming of a wedding by the sea opt for total minimalism, just them and the witnesses. Even if you don’t want to hear it, you will regret not being tempted by a professional photographer

    In conclusion, organizing an outdoor wedding is not only a beautiful, but also a challenging process. With proper preparation and consideration of the above key points, you can create a wedding

    A wedding by the sea is a beautiful ceremony and a beautiful adventure at the same time. To make this day the most beautiful of your life, it is advisable to plan and prepare for it well. Take my advice and organize a wedding by the sea.
    And if you don’t feel up to it, don’t have the time, or don’t have an idea – check out how I can help you .

    Make an appointment with me and let’s plan your wedding by the sea!

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    Hi, I'm Bogna Bojanowska.

    Jestem specjalistką od organizacji ślubów i wesel dla Par, które mieszkają zagranicą. 

    Od 16 lat jestem ślubnym przewodnikiem, wsparciem i kopalnią wiedzy dla moich wielokulturowych Par, a wszystko po to, aby zrealizować ich ślubne marzenia o bezstresowym ślubie w Polsce. 




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